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"Herman and Karen provided us with the tools we required to build and maintain a long lasting and deeply connected relationship. We are deeply grateful for the assistance they have given us." M&K

"My husband and I were clients of Karen and Herman’s as we were struggling in our marriage. Seeing Karen and Herman probably saved our marriage! As a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, I was really struggling. Karen and Herman were a safe place for me to land on a regular basis, which meant that I was able to allow more and more of my trauma feelings out in our sessions with my husband witnessing. Step by step we started to feel safer with one another". K & R

"Karen and Herman are highly trained and skilled but also personable, intuitive and sensitive. It is also a huge plus that they work as a couple. They also work separately and run many groups and workshops. As I said between the two of them they have a vast amount of experience and training in different modalities. We are so grateful to them and we are not seeing them anymore because we don’t need to….AND that is a measure of how good they are!!"  Kajsa Futrell

"For Karen and Herman-I wanted you to know that I discovered that I love myself and that I forgotten this. When I realized this I wept from that deep place and looked at myself there and I felt the love in my heart for the first time in a very long time. I sat with that and noticed this very different consciousness of loving myself, and I realized it was not new, it was from a long time ago. I am experiencing these moments with love and the feeling is overwhelming like a rebirthing of that part of me. When I went to that place, the place I go where I enjoy suffering, (where I turn back and there is no love for me there), I wasn't afraid. I turned forward and walked with love. In that moment I knew the truth  that it was not the love of another that I needed there, instead it was the love for myself,and that it was always there. Thank you for supporting me in my journey of discovery." Male Client (SC)



MagiCore Counselling


Herman: #6-8319 Main Street, Osoyoos

Karen: Online & Telephone

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