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Relationship Support Group (Osoyoos)

Get to the heart of relationship issues and work through whatever is keeping you and your relationship from really thriving.

Struggle and crisis are part of the natural development process in any relationship. They are an invitation and a doorway to deep healing . Chances are you’ll need support to move through. 

Location and dates TBD by September 2018  

Healthy, Heartfelt Boundaries (Online Group)

This is an area where most people can use help. An intellectual understanding alone will not take us very far in resolving boundary issues because there are usually deep areas of unconsciousness at work. Effective boundary work requires a combination of education, processing, and Action Projects over time.

When present healthy boundaries enable us to live free from negative patterns rooted in the past. They empower us to reclaim and live from our true self while also protecting and nurturing our cherished relationships.

Indicators of Unhealthy Boundaries:

  • Difficulty saying “Yes” or difficulty saying “No”.
  • Feeling like your happiness depends on other people
  • Not knowing who to trust
  • Opening too much to people or situations or not enough
  • Giving up self for relationship
  • Insecurity about power issues in relationships and how to confront abusive patterns
  • Trouble putting boundaries on one’s own unhealthy behaviors
  • You go along with others rather than expressing what you really want
  • You have a hard time knowing what your think, believe or feel.
  • You feel responsible for other people’s feelings
  • You spend so much time helping others that you neglect your own needs
  • You take on the moods of other people
  • You feel that the opinions of others are more important than you own
  • You often get involved with people who end up treating you badly

Fee:                 $398 + GST ($320 + GST Early Bird if paid by September28, 2018) (8 Sessions)

Facilitators:  Karen Goodfellow MTC and Herman Commandeur MTC

Payment:      e-transfer or credit card

Format:         Online (link will be sent once payment and registration is complete)


"The day after the Boundaries Workshop with Herman and Karen, I was able to use Karen's wording in a work situation which resulted in more harmony and easier relations at work".

Dr. Tom Elliot

Support Group Counselling

Supportive and affordable, support groups experience exponential learning because you can relate to and learn from others' processes as well as your own. Benefits include feelings of sameness, connection and community. 

Support Groups that are in-person are usually limited to 8 participants to allow ample time for individual attention while on-line support groups are always limited to 6 participants.

Current Support Group Topics:

Support Group Calendar

Please contact us to register.

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